Jeep 4x4 Offpoje Offroad Team

Witaj Nieznajomy


Ostatni: rivulus
Nowych dzisiaj: 0
Nowych wczoraj: 0
Wszystkich: 99

Na stronie:
Użytkownicy: 0
Goście: 34
Razem: 34
Kto gdzie jest:
01: Statystyki
02: Fotogaleria
03: Statystyki
04: Fotogaleria
05: Statystyki
06: Fotogaleria
07: Statystyki
08: Statystyki
09: Fotogaleria
10: Statystyki
11: Statystyki
12: Fotogaleria
13: Fotogaleria
14: Statystyki
15: Fotogaleria
16: Fotogaleria
17: Fotogaleria
18: Statystyki
19: Statystyki
20: Fotogaleria
21: Powiadom znajomych
22: Statystyki
23: Statystyki
24: Fotogaleria
25: Statystyki
26: Statystyki
27: Fotogaleria
28: Fotogaleria
29: Statystyki
30: Statystyki
31: Fotogaleria
32: Fotogaleria
33: Statystyki
34: Fotogaleria

Zespół online:

Nie ma nikogo z zespołu online!
 Albumy: 44
 Zdjęcia: 5983
  · Wyświetleń: 1378753
  · Głosów: 808
  · Komentarzy: 4
Fotogaleria Jeep 4x4 Offpoje Offroad TeamFotogaleria Jeep 4x4 Offpoje Offroad Team
Fotogaleria Strona główna :: Zarejestruj się :: Ostatnie dodania :: Ostatnie komentarze :: Najpopularniejsze :: Toplista :: Ulubione

Szukaj :: POMOC

Coppermine Photo CMS Documentation

The program that displays the photos on this site is called Coppermine. This documentation is intended to help you use this photo script to interact with this site. Please login to your account or join to see more information

Categories, albums and pictures

The photo part of the site is arranged in the following way :

  • Pictures are stored in albums
  • Albums may be organized in categories
  • Categories can be nested (subcategories)
As a member you may upload to any gallery enabled by the administrator

Album List

This goes to the page that lists all the categories, the gallery home page

Upload your Photo

As a Register User/Member you may upload photos to albums allowed by the administrator. To upload just click the upload link when logged in. After clicking the upload link choose a category from the list box, click on the Browse button next to the "Picture" field and find the image you want to upload from your computer. Fill out the rest of the fields in the form and click "upload Picture"


Login to use registered member functions such as uploading photos and sending ecards

Log out

Logout to finish your session

Last uploads :: Last comments :: Most viewed :: Top rated

These links go to the "meta albums" Last uploads - Last comments - Most viewed - Top rated. These albums are made of pictures from the category/album that you are in at the time that you click them, and if not in a category/album the pictures shown with be from all the categories/albums

My Favorites

This is a temporary album that lasts as long as your cookie from us. Use the link below the pictures to add picture to this album.

Searching the gallery

When you click the search link you can search for photos by keyword.

Copyleft 2003-4
written by gtroll and moorey of the Coppermine Dev Crew